LC 670. Maximum Swap

Sarthak Sehgal · March 26, 2020


To make the resulting number biggest after one swap, we have to find the leftmost (most significant) digit which can be swapped. We would only want to swap a digit if there is a digit to the right of it which is greater than it. Consider the following numbers:

  1. 987: any swap will make the number smaller than before as there is no such digit which has a larger digit on right
  2. 897: swap 8 and 9
  3. 6790: This case gives us some more insight into the solution. There are 2 digits greater than 6 on the right of it - 7 and 9. Clearly, a number starting with 9 is greater than a number starting with 7. So we only want to swap the digit with the maximum number to its right. Hence, swap 6 and 9.
  4. 56949: Here, we have two option for swapping 5 with 9. The numbers will be 96549 and 96945. Clearly the latter number is bigger. This tells us that we want to swap digit 5 with the least significant occurrence of digit 9.
  5. 9867: swap 6 and 7


  1. Start from the rightmost digit of the number.
  2. Keep track of the least significant occurrence of the maximum number encountered, maxNum.
  3. For each number, num, encountered, three cases:
    • num > maxNum: update maxNum = num
    • num < maxNum: this num can be swapped with the maxNum. We keep track of this using leftIdx and rightIdx (see code below)
    • num = maxNum: do nothing as we only require the least significant occurrence of maxNum
  4. Swap the numbers (using leftIdx and rightIdx in code below)
int maximumSwap(int num) {
    string temp = to_string(num);
    int maxIdx, maxNum = 0, leftIdx=-1, rightIdx;
    for (int i = temp.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
        int t = temp[i]-'0';
        if (t > maxNum) {
            maxNum = t;
            maxIdx = i;
        } else if (t < maxNum) {
            leftIdx = i;
            rightIdx = maxIdx;

    if (leftIdx == -1)
        return num;
    swap(temp[leftIdx], temp[rightIdx]);
    return stoi(temp);

Time complexity: O(n) where n is the number of digits in the number
Space complexity: O(1) as max number of digits = 8 as per constraint

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