LC 257. Binary Tree Paths

Sarthak Sehgal · March 25, 2020


The solution is straightforward and the given function can be called recursively without using any other helper function.

vector<string> binaryTreePaths(TreeNode* root) {
    if (!root)
        return {};
    vector<string> left, right, res;
    left = binaryTreePaths(root->left);
    right = binaryTreePaths(root->right);
    for (string s : left) {
    for (string s : right) {
    if (res.size()==0)
    return res;

Note that the time complexity is not O(n) as string concatenation takes up a lot of time. It will take more time that O(n). Some people have argued that it is O(nlogn). O(n^2) is definitely a correct bound though it might not be a tight bound.

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