LC 1424. Diagonal Traverse II

Sarthak Sehgal · October 1, 2020

A single pass solution using BFS-like approach. Algorithm-

  1. Start by placing coordinates (0,0) in a queue for BFS.
  2. In each iteration, for the front element in queue push the index for cell just below if the current cell is the first in its row.
  3. Then push the index for right neighbour cell (if exists)
class Solution {
		vector<int> findDiagonalOrder(vector<vector<int>>& nums) {
			int m = nums.size();
			vector<int> ans;
			queue<pair<int, int>> q;
			q.push({0,0}); // first row, first cell

			// BFS
			while (!q.empty()) {
				pair<int, int> p = q.front();

				// insert the element below, if in first column
				if (p.second == 0 && p.first+1 < m) q.push({p.first+1, p.second});

				// insert the right neighbour, if exists
				if (p.second+1 < nums[p.first].size())
					q.push({p.first, p.second+1});

			return ans;



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