1027. Longest Arithmetic Sequence

Sarthak Sehgal · April 27, 2020

The problem is pretty similar to the standard Longest Increasing Subsequence DP problem so it’s easy to guess that this can be solved with DP as well. Define dp[i][j] as longest arithmetic sequence ending at index i having a difference j. Clearly, to find values of dp[i], we iterate from i-1 to 0 (say the iterator is k) and take difference of A[i] with A[k], say diff = A[i]-A[k]. Hence, dp[i][diff] = max(dp[i][diff], dp[k][diff]+1).

The catch here is that how to implement this dp variable? Surely we could make a 2D array but the constraints 0 <= A[i] <= 10000 imply -10000 <= diff <= 10000. Creating a 2D array where each row is of size 20000 is a huge amount of space. And most of these differences won’t even occur in the array so it’s a huge waste as well. Instead, we will implement it as a map of map, as you will see below.

class Solution {
    int longestArithSeqLength(vector<int>& A) {
        unordered_map<int, unordered_map<int,int>> dp;
        int res = 2;
        for (int i=0; i<A.size(); i++) {
            for (int j=0; j<i; j++) {
                int diff = A[i]-A[j];
                dp[i][diff] = max(dp[i][diff], dp[j][diff]==0 ? 2 : (dp[j][diff]+1));
                res = max(res, dp[i][diff]);

        return res;

Time complexity: O(nn)
Space complexity: O(n

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